Entry 1-Just Married

I just got married a few months ago; my husband bought our house last year. I am a wife (still sounds weird) and a home owner; there is nothing more scary and exciting at the same time. It has been a few months before I decided to create this blog. I thought it would be nice to share with you my experiences as a newlywed, owning a home and running it. Like I said before it’s something that is both scary and exciting. I think most would relate that it’s hard when you have to run your own home and when you are like me time management can be a problem. Yes that means organizing my time between doing laundry, cleaning, cooking, reorganizing and running errands. Owning a home is a bit overwhelming at times, I never realized how much stuff I own and I am not talking about my clothes. I am talking about clothes, purses, jewelry, oh and all my education activities, books and more. I promise I am not a horder I used to get impulses to just want to go shopping but believe me that has stopped. I wanted to share my experience and hopefully change my ways. I need a better system in my life to stay organized and productive throughout my days. So I plan to show you what I am doing to change my time management problem and really become more productive. I hope you will take the time to join me on my journey as a newlywed.


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