Entry 4- A New Healthy Life Style

I have to be honest with myself; I am not in the best shape of my life. It's been a long time coming but it needs to start so why not start now. Finding time or even just doing a workout seems boring to me because it's not fun or enjoyable. I guess too many out there it’s how you look at it and how it makes you feel that really makes it fun or enjoyable. Walking or even running is not fun in my eyes; instead I like to go for a bike ride (bicycle ride). I used to do this so often when I was younger, I would go biking with my mom but it wasn't the same as when you walk with someone. Biking I feel is an individual thing which is why I loved it so much, I can't really bike and talk at the same time because all I want to do is go faster and feel the wind against my face. Just for a moment I want to think about nothing, nothing in my life, nothing about myself, nothing and just enjoy the scenery around me, enjoy the people sitting out enjoying the afternoon, or the people having a late barbeque with family and friends, or what about the people that are doing regular upkeep to their front yard. I love to just take a breath and enjoy the view of everything going on around me. I have yet to purchase a bike so for the time being I like to go on the occasional walk, with my husband. Actually we just got back from a walk around our neighborhood. I think that is why I feel in love with my home (after we moved in), I opened the windows one afternoon and all I could hear were the kids playing outside and it reminded me of the days when I was their age doing the same thing. I thought to myself this would be a great neighborhood to have a family. It's too soon to have a family right now only because I need to re-adjust myself and my life and become a better home maker. I so desperately want to change my bad habits so I can become better at everything, just like my mom. My mom is a super mom, she does everything from running a home with five people (including herself), cooking, cleaning, fixing things, altering things, while at the same time making time to go out with her friends, even finding time to work out and be healthy. I do look up to be like my mom in so many ways. I am amazed at the things she can do when she puts her mind to it, and to watch her do that is inspiring to me.

I hope you will continue to follow me on my journey as a newlywed and I hope this blog will not only help you but hopefully inspire you to make changes in your own life. This won't be easy, as nothing usually is and if it is You are doing it wrong. I maybe 29 but I still feel like I have a lot more to learn and a lot of growth left for me to do in my life.

If you are checking out my other blogs please know I am currently working on healthy recipes and more activities to do with your kids, so please stay tuned. Thank You


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