WELCOME 2016....This is OUR YEAR

First I just want to wish everyone a Happy New Year.  2016 is our year.  It is  my year  to make positive changes in my life and it is your year, so you can make positive changes in your life too. This is not a resolution, because truthfully we all know that resolutions last maybe about a few weeks if lucky a full month in the beginning of the year and then you never come back to that resolution again. These past few months of 2015 have taught me a lot about myself and really got me thinking about my goals and not my resolutions. I have learned to be positive, think positively and be thankful for everything in my life. I am just like anyone else, I always wondered how do people stay positive? How can I do it because I always have negative things going on in my thoughts and then in my life.

This is why I started my inspire me series where I post my favorite quotes. I have said it in the past, sometimes when I am searching for an answer to my specific question, it's answered but I just need to know where too look in order for me to see the answers to my specific questions. I have always felt a higher power around me and I have always known that when I ask for something or anything it is answered, I just needed to learn to listen and look in the right places. So this is what I have been doing these past few months, I pay attention to my surroundings as I ask my specific questions. I say specific questions because general yes or no questions are not clear enough.

I lost my job and have been out of work for four months, I should be freaking out and worried about finding a job and really just be in a negative mind set but the truth is I am not. The reason I am not in the negative mindset is because I have focused my mind on looking at the positives.  Sometimes I have forced myself to look at the positives. I started watching videos on YouTube that inspired me to change my life and create it in the one I want. I watched Marie TV on YouTube, it's for business but you can apply the things discussed in your own everyday life. I focused on motivating quotes, inspiring quotes, positive quotes on pinterest and then I did something I used to do when I was a teen, I used to be interested in meditation and then I stopped it for a while. This time I started it again for 15 minutes each day, if you have 15 minutes a day you can do this too.

Yes sometimes the negative thoughts come back and I stop them by writing everything I am thankful for in that exact moment, and I just do that on my phone. It seems that I can't escape the negatives that happen in our lives, but with every negative there is a positive, either a blessing in disguise or a lesson to be learned, or an opportunity to grow from the experience. These are the things I have trained my brain to think about negative experiences.

I learned I need to be happy with myself internally, and that's not to say I don't have things that I don't like about myself there are plenty but those are things I know and want to change. I am talking about not relying on others to make me happy. Yes people are in your life and they impact your life but ultimately you decide if you keep them or get rid of them. If you keep them in your life then it's up to YOU not the people in your life to make yourself happy. Once you learn how to be happy on your own and believe me you will, then you will be able to love the people in your life more and they will make you happier NOT HAPPY. Please note the difference, I am not by any means an expert on this topic and I only discovered it myself a few months ago, I am just speaking based on my experience.

So as for this New Year in 2016 I am not worried about finding a job because I know there are plenty out there just waiting for me, I am changing myself and my bad habits into good ones. On top of all of that I am pushing myself to always stay and be positive.  Think about Law of Attraction which is basically if you think negatively, than negative things are what you should expect. Like waking up in the morning and stubbing your toe, you are late to work, your boss is not happy with you, and you have to work late today, the entire day is now a bad one. Or waking up refreshed you get to work on time, your boss praises you for your accomplishments at work, you get to leave early and it all started because of the good morning. You could I think have a good day too, even if you stubbed your toe change your way of thinking of course it would be difficult I am not saying it will be easy. My point is just because you stubbed your toe doesn't mean you should automatically think and believe "oh geese this is going to be a bad day" laugh at it and move on.

Oh and one more thing I also wrote my goals and I made sure to be specific as possible so if my goal was to lose weight this year, then it's just general but to get more detailed I have to think about how will I lose the weight this year? This is just an example
Goal for 2016
Lose weight this year
I will to lose 20 pounds by March
I will to go to the gym 3 days a week
I will eat healthy foods, more veggies and stop drinking soda
I will start with a healthy breakfast in the morning
I will walk at home for an hour each day
I will work out 3 days a week for one hour
I will eat healthier snacks etc.
You can make this even more detailed than what I wrote but this is just an example. I started with my goal for the entire year and broke it down to monthly goal and weekly goal and daily goal so it becomes something I can see clearly of me actually doing it so I can reach my goal in the end. It's basically taking a major goal and braking your goal down into more manageable goals, that I can start right now.

This has become a super long post but it's okay, I just hope if you are reading this you are able to leave with something you can apply into your own life. I am just writing about my experiences as they happen so I can only write about what I have discovered in my life and from my personal experience. I hope you enjoyed this post and thank you for visiting.

Happy New Year!


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