Inspire me

Some inspiration to start the year off right. No matter the problem or problems you are facing right now you need to be grateful. When I am down about a problem I am currently facing I always write in my grateful/thankful journal.It reminds me that life is not about objects but the people and experiences in your life.

 I love these quotes. You do have a choice to change and you do have many chances. Just think about a problem that keeps occurring, it's a chance for you to change your actions so the outcome is not repeated over and over. Like never having money at the end of the month because you keep spending your paychecks on physical items you really want and ignoring your responsibilities. This situation will keep occurring until you decide to stop and change something so that you are on top of your responsibilities like paying bills and still have a little money on the side in the end. This is also your chance to learn from your mistakes or your problem. So the last quote is something I am sure most of us struggle with because of our life situations, some may not have money to do what they really want, some may worry about making mistakes, for me it's financially what I want to do and what I can do are two different things that sometimes are difficult to match up. But I do try to have fun as often as I can, even when I have forgotten how to have fun, I try to find things I enjoy.
 Regrets are failed lessons you learned nothing from. Life is about the experience and the lessons you face to get you to where you want to be at the end.
 Just think about everything you have been through and everything you have experienced good or bad they made you who you are today. Because of those experiences you are a different person than you were a year ago, five years ago, ten years ago and next year you will be different from the person you are today. So pay attention to your experiences and learn from the mistakes that have already happened. Enjoy the journey and live or try to live with no regrets because even at this moment you are learning and growing into the person you want to be.


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