Entry 9- Time Management Update

Okay so here is an update on my time management, this will seem like common sense because it really is. A couple months ago I was just having just one of those days that really stress you out and you get nothing done. The craziness has slowed down a bit, as far as waking up early well that has changed too. When my husband and I first got married he worked a later second shift at his job and out of a bad habit I had formed during then I woke up with him right before he headed off to work not to be back until midnight. Well he has since changed his hours to an earlier second shift, which makes it perfect for the two of us because it was so hard for us to get in to a proper routine when he was in third shift. Now I can say for the both of us we are grateful that he has an earlier second shift job. We are able to handle mornings a lot better than before. I have started getting up around noon which is not the best but it's a lot earlier than the 3pm wake up. I still need work on that for sure, but I have taken up some things during the week that make me get up earlier for an appointment or something of that nature. Besides waking up early, I have always struggled with the house chores; it seemed so overwhelming at times and just a lot to take on in one day. I don't know how some women do a lot more than just chores around the house. There's chores, the kids, the husband, the errands, cooking dinner, cleaning after dinner, going out with friends for lunch, reading and taking care of you, these are all things my mother had to take care of when I was living at home. Yet there are still women today who also have jobs to do outside of the house hold chores, it absolutely amazes me. I hope I can do that someday but for right now I just need to manage the chores and get on top of everything, because with kids it will probably 4x the stress and overwhelming feeling.

My routine before was all over the place, when it came to laundry I learned that it's always going to be there and it's never ending so why stress. So I started doing one to two loads a day if I can fit it in. I hate ironing so I air dry my husband's uniform and my delicate shirts and his collared shirts. They take up to two days to fully dry so by the weekend they are ready to wear. I like to do that load on Wednesday which is only for an hour as a pose to two hours between washing and drying. The best thing about drying towels and sheets is that I can fold while having time to watch my favorite shows. My problem though is still with putting the laundry away after I am done folding which I am currently working on and getting better at.

It used to kill me to spend all day cleaning and then mid-week it become crazy again I get fed up and I need help by husband to keep up his end and pick up after himself too. I now realize how my stress my mother went through with three kids and a husband oh she was always telling us to pick up after us and me a mean always. Hey a stay at home wife or husband doesn't get paid to pick up after everyone in the house, their job is to keep the house organized and clean. Like washing clothes, washing dishes, cleaning the bathroom and vacuuming the house that's it. As far as everything else like cleaning someone’s room, up to a certain age it should be that child's responsibility, and picking up their jackets and shoes.

I have been getting better at keeping up with the house hold chores especially after I split the work instead of stressing over everything in one day. Some days I am left with nothing to do, which feels great because the back yard needs work next.


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