Entry 5- My Goal Plan
It seems like no matter what I do, I can't seem to get my time management in order. Do any of you struggle with that too? Well I have been doing some research and I came across an organizer named Alejandra Costello, she is a professional organizer. I have been watching all her videos on organizing. I have also been thinking about all the ways I can organize and if I need to reorganize any spaces in my home. With that said, because I have such a hard time with time management I made up a sheet of my quarterly goals. Alejandra Costello has a video that actually explains the quarterly goals. I love the idea because it really sets my focus on accomplishing each goal. Don't worry I will post the video she made so you have a better understanding of this. Okay the video is below I hope you watch it and if you are like me I really hope this will help with your time management.
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