Entry 10- My Wedding

I had a great weekend, Saturday was my wedding and boy was the planning stressful. But you know what anything that is stressful, almost always ends up worth it in the end. This was one of those moments for sure. My parents were happy, my husband was happy and that by itself made me happy. All in all this was one of the greatest weekends I have ever had in a long time. Did I mention my cousin came in from out of town all the way from the middle east just for my wedding, yes I felt very special. My parent's best friends came in to town too. I want to thank everyone for being patient with me these past few months for not posting anything while preparing and planning my wedding. If you are curious about pictures take a look at my pinterest page called My Wedding. For anyone planning their wedding in the near future here are a few things I learned:

1. Make sure you love your dress enough to get extra help just to go to the bathroom
2. Make sure you have at least one person responsible for last minute check list
I forgot a few things at my parents house after I got dressed but thankfully I still got my bag to change after the event and the hotel bag.
3. If you plan to do your own make up, make sure you use products your skin is already used to and make sure you test it out a few times until you get it the way you want it.
4. I was so stressed in the beginning that I needed someone to help me with planning I couldn't do it alone. Thank You mom for carrying on some of the additional stress.
5. YOU may be stressed and some times in a bad mood that something is not right or you don't like. But always realize that the ones who are helping you, don't have to, they do it because they want to. So always say thank you. Be grateful for all the extra hands.
6. Lists make as many as you need, create detailed list for each section of your wedding. I made several lists, one for the ceremony, one for the reception, one for prep while getting ready, one for packing to go to the hotel, one for the actual day and the order of things. Lists come in hand, if there is any time you will really need them it is while you are planning your wedding.
Things can be so overwhelming that paranoia will eventually kick in and lists can help keep you calm as you check each item off.
7. I know it's mostly a girls dream to do her wedding the way she wants but I think it's nice to put little touches for your groom. I made sure my hubby was included not in every detail but the things that I thought were important, like the cake, music selection even the ceremony portion.
8. Make sure you send out thank you cards at the end
9. Let go of the things that can and most likely will go wrong
10. Finally have fun, it's your night, your party so be a good host show your guests how much fun you can have and let loose with out making a complete fool out of yourself and have fun. Your night will be amazing no matter what happens.
Some extra notes plan the kind of poses you want to do for photos with you and your groom, and with your guests.
Remember the count of guests may be 100 but that doesn't mean you have to send out 100 invites, that was my mistake. One couple can live at the same address so you send one invite for that one address not for each person at the same address. I now have extra invitation cards and nothing to do with them.
* Brides if you plan on changing your last name check your county and your state and what the requirements would be. I thought that when my hubby and I got married and had to sign the certificate that this is where I changed my name but in Illinois the Wife isn't required to take her husband's last name. Either way they will give you a list of things you would need to change your name on.


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